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Yeshivat He’Atid provides a preschool curriculum that caters to each child’s needs. Our rotational model allows our teachers to facilitate the learning process for every student, ensuring that our preschoolers obtain the skills they will need going forward. In both Pre-K and Kindergarten we put an emphasis on academic and social-emotional development. We also begin to empower our students to use their critical thinking skills, encourage creativity and problem solving, and establish a community of learners.

Our curriculum includes an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning. The program is focused around our yearly calendar and includes weekly Parsha, a focus on the Chagim, and all of the special days throughout the year. Play is another integral part of our day. Through play, children learn to take turns, share, take risks, respect people and property, and develop essential problem-solving skills. 

Our Early Childhood students benefit from a unique approach to language instruction. Each day preschoolers experience instruction in both Hebrew and English. In this instructional model, the Yeshivat He’Atid signature rotational approach comes into play. The children rotate in small groups from hands-on activities with one teacher, to student-driven independent activities, and finally to small-group instructional activities with a second teacher. Using this approach to English and Hebrew language instruction, our students gain rapid fluency in both languages.