Engineering Discovery (Tuesday) 3rd-5th

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Engineering Discovery (Tuesday) 3rd-5th


During the Discovery and Explorers classes students use the Engineering Design Process to design, create, test, race, and refine a variety of projects. They may create balloon racer cars, as well as build their own electro-magnets and explore and refine a variety of machines and mechanical systems. Students will learn the basics of structural mechanics, simple machines, and other design and engineering concepts while possibly constructing giant labyrinths, straw rockets, build-your-own flashlights, and other fun creations. All students will create and get to keep at least 2 and probably more of their creations.

Grades: 3rd-5th

Instructor: Team Makers of NJ

Meets 3:30-4:25

Tuesdays: March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16, May 7, 21, 28

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